Trazzler profile linking

When signed in to, upon visiting, you'll be automatically signed in and asked to invite your friends (a little pushy, but whatever):

Trazzler - Invite Fb Friends

Next, I'm asked whether I already have a Trazzler account:

Trazzler - Sync Ask

If I do, I'm asked to sign in, completing the profile link:

Trazzler - Sync Confirm Existing User

If not, I'm asked to specify a username and my email:

Trazzler - Sync Confirm New User

Facebook then asks if I want to allow Trazzler to email (without revealing my email, which, of course, I already gave to Trazzler:

Allow Trazzler to email me.

Finally, I'm asked for "Special Permission" to authorize Trazzler indefinitely:

Allow Trazzler to email me.

I'm finally setup, with a notice that "Facebook is part of Trazzler whenever you connect":