Vote: Spec Process Improvement

Title of Vote

Spec Process Improvements

Who has called for this vote?

Nat Sakimura

Type of vote

Online poll (pending creation)

When does this vote begin?


When will this vote end? 



Followings are the proposed motions that I would like the board to consider. There are two types: one that can take effect immediately, and one that requires board and membership voting. 

I. For immediate implementation of the current process: 

One of the obstacles that we have found during the process was that it was kind of hard to get the specs council to deliver the recommendation in a timely fashion. It has seen some improvement recently, but we want to make sure to continue it. Thus, I would like to propose the following:

BE IT RESOLVED that the OIDF Committee Liason is directed to act as the coordinator for the specification council so that specification council create a recommendation for the membership about a formal working group proposal within 15 days of the complete proposal being circulated on to comply to the current OpenID process.

II. Improvements of current process

As a longer term solution, I would like to propose the following three motions. The first two are to make sure the timely and effective response from the specs council, and the last one is to protect the OpenID(TM) as well as to make it easier to create a WG so that all the discussion will be done inside the WG and the output is IPR clean.

What will be the outcome if the vote succeeds?

The board will pass Nat's motions as presented, with the desired outcome of facilitating a smoother specification process.

...what is the outcome if the vote fails?

No change.

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